Diet & Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy body weight can help individuals to improve the condition of Sleep Apnea.

What is Diet & Weight Management?

Obesity is a common risk factor that often linked with individual who has Sleep Apnea. Extra weight cause fats deposit at the neck area, also known as pharyngal fat. The upper air way of a person can be block by pharyngal fat during sleeping. Excess abdominal fats can also cause a decrease of lung volume as it compressed a person’s chest wall. Studies shown that weight loss has a positive effect on overweight and obese patients with sleep apnea. It can helps to alleviate symptoms and also help to lower the risk of cardiovascular and diabetes disease.

Set an achievable weight loss goal

Aim lose to 5-7% of your current body weight over 6 months

Calories intake

Excess calories will turn into excess pounds! An average man daily calories intake is 2000 kcal and women is 1600 kcal. Hence, a reduction of 500 kcal total daily calories will helps to prevent weight gain.

Portion control

Having a smaller portion size of food thorough out the day can help you to lower calorie intake. This will prevent you from consuming more calories than you burn.

Choosing the right food choices

  • Carbohydrates
    Choose whole grains products instead of refined carbohydrates (Quinoas, brown rice, rolled oats, whole meal bread). These foods are high in fiber which prolong the feeling of “fullness”.
  • Protein

Fish proteins are a better choice compared to meat proteins. Some examples are salmon, tuna, sardines) They contain higher quality of protein, omega-3-fatty acids and less fats which benefits heart health.

  • Fats

Remove skins from meat dishes, use lower fat oils (e.g. sunflower oils, canola oil, olive oil),

  • Increase dietary fiber food (E.g. fruits, vegetables, wholegrains)
  • Reduce intake of sugary beverages and food

Sugars are often the major culprit for weight gaining. They provide calories with no nutritional values. Always choose food and drinks with less sugar.

  • Limit alcohol intake

Alcoholic drinks are high in calories and consuming too much will often leads to weight gain. A pint of lager can contain the same number of calories as pizza! Hence by controlling the amount we drink helps to maintain a healthy weight. 0